I thought I should give some background information about my life before I go zooming into my own world to confuse myself or any random readers.
I go through stages of life constantly. Theses stages are:
These stages are not planned. They come and go randomly and in any order. It all depends on what my Brain Gnome wants.
I have just finished a stage of homework and am now in the middle of a reading and writing stage.
I'm re-reading the Harry Potter series and am on The Order Of The Phoenix. So why wouldn't I want to read?
I am obsessed with Princesses so naturally, I've found a way to incorporate them into my stories. I like to take my own spin on some of the originals as well. Examples of my own works are: Beauty and the Vampire (Beauty and the Beast) and - I don't have a title picked out yet - Little Red Riding Hood & Sleeping Beauty.
I am always on Pinterest and Instagram. My pins consists of mainly Author stuff, Disney and Disney Princesses, Sherlock and Harry Potter. There's isn't a day that goes by where I don't pin something about any of the above things I mentioned. Pinterest fuels my imagination as well as other books and movies. It even motivates me.
I am very self-conscious and have a low self-esteem so if I get readers then please don't comment any garbage or anything. Remember, I am a Mormon so keep the language clean.
I don't swear so in my stories I will not have a character swear... Ever. I may imply it but I will never write or say or makes others say swear words.
As of right now, I have nothing left to add. If I remember anything then I will post another one tonight or tomorrow.